Advanced Treatment Septic Systems in the Collingwood Area
Twenty-five percent of Canadians have their wastewater treated by a septic system. Dale Ottewell Construction & Logging Ltd are experienced at installing all types of septic systems for residential and commercial use. We also offer other excavation services.
Whether you choose a conventional or advanced treatment system, we will handle all steps of the process including design, site preparation and installation.
Conventional Septic Systems
A conventional septic system has a septic tank and a soil filter or drain field. In the tank, all your wastewater is treated for bacteria. Once it reaches a safe level, it is sent through pipes to the drain field where it is filtered naturally and eventually returned to the groundwater. From tanks to sand for your drain field, Dale Ottewell Construction & Logging Ltd has the supplies and materials needed for a conventional septic system.
Premier Tech Aqua Ecoflo® Systems
Premier Tech Aqua Ecoflo® Systems makes the most environmentally friendly advanced treatment system. Its patented natural filtering device ensures pollutants are filtered and retained until they degrade. This permanent system offers easy maintenance and maximum use of your yard.
Enviro-Septic Systems
System O)) is the simplest wastewater treatment system on the market. There are no moving parts and it does not require any washed stone but it is very simple to install. The system produces Level IV quality effluent and yet, does not require any mechanical or electrical parts. PLUS the System O)) often requires less area than other conventional and treatment systems.